Getting started

First thing we need is a Leptos project, you can find documentation on how to set one up in the Leptos book.

Once you have set one up, you can add this crate to your project with

cargo add leptos_i18n

Or by adding this line to your Cargo.toml under [dependencies]:

leptos_i18n = "0.4"

actix-web Backend

When compiling for the backend using actix-web, enable the actix feature:

# Cargo.toml

ssr = [

axum Backend

When compiling for the backend using axum, enable the axum feature:

# Cargo.toml

ssr = [


When compiling for the client, enable the hydrate feature:

# Cargo.toml

hydrate = [

Client Side Rendering

When compiling for the client, enable the csr feature:

# Cargo.toml

features = ["csr"]

You can find examples using CSR on the github repo