The td_string! Macro

The td_string! macro is to use interpolations outside the context of rendering views. It lets you give a different kind of values and return a &'static str or a String depending on the value of the key. If the value is a plain string or a boolean, it returns a &'static str. If it's an interpolation or a number, it returns a String.

This requires the interpolate_display feature to be enabled to work with interpolations.

It enables you to do this:

// click_count = "You clicked {{ count }} times"
    td_string!(Locale::en, click_count, count = 10),
    "You clicked 10 times"
    td_string!(Locale::en, click_count, count = "a lot of"),
    "You clicked a lot of times"

Expected values

Variables expect anything that implements Display.

If the key uses ranges, it expects the type of the count. If you set the type to f32, it expects a f32.

Components expect a value that implements leptos_i18::display::DisplayComponent. You can find some types made to help with formatting in the display module, such as DisplayComp.

String and &str implement this trait such that

// hello_world = "Hello <b>World</b> !"

let hw = td_string(Locale::en, hello_world, <b> = "span");
assert_eq!(hw, "Hello <span>World</span> !");

The DisplayComp struct lets you pass leptos attributes:

let attrs = [("id", leptos::Attribute::String("my_id".into()))];
let b = DisplayComp::new("div", &attrs);
let hw = td_string!(Locale::en, hello_world, <b>);
assert_eq!(hw, "Hello <div id=\"my_id\">World</div> !");

If you want finer control over the formatting, you can create your own types implementing the DisplayComponent trait, or you can pass this abomination of a function:

Fn(&mut core::fmt::Formatter, &dyn Fn(&mut core::fmt::Formatter) -> core::fmt::Result) -> core::fmt::Result

which basically lets you do this:

use core::fmt::{Formatter, Result};

fn render_b(f: &mut Formatter, child: &dyn Fn(&mut Formatter) -> Result) -> Result {
    write!(f, "<div id=\"some_id\">")?;
    child(f)?; // format the children
    write!(f, "</div>")

// hello_world = "Hello <b>World</b> !"
let hw = td_string!(Locale::en, hello_world, <b> = render_b);
assert_eq!(hw, "Hello <div id=\"some_id\">World</div> !");

If you look closely, there are no Clone or 'static bounds for any arguments, but they are captured by the value returned by the macro, so the returned value has a lifetime bound to the "smallest" lifetime of the arguments.

The td_display! Macro

Just like the td_string! macro but returns either a struct implementing Display or a &'static str instead of a Cow<'static, str>.

This is useful if you will print the value or use it in any formatting operation, as it will avoid a temporary String.

use crate::i18n::Locale;
use leptos_i18n::td_display;

// click_count = "You clicked {{ count }} times"
let t = td_display!(Locale::en, click_count, count = 10); // this only returns the builder, no work has been done.
assert_eq!(format!("before {t} after"), "before You clicked 10 times after");

let t_str = t.to_string(); // can call `to_string` as the value implements `Display`
assert_eq!(t_str, "You clicked 10 times");

t_string, t_display, tu_string and tu_display

They also exist, td_string was used here for easier demonstration. Remember that t_string accesses a signal reactively.