
This crate is basically entirely based around one macro: the load_locales! macro. We will cover it in a later chapter, but for now just know that it looks at your translation files and generates code for them.

To load those translations it first needs to know what to look for, so you need to declare what locales you are supporting and which one is the default. To do that you use the [package.metadata.leptos-i18n] section in your Cargo.toml.

To declare en and fr as locales, with en being the default you would write:

default = "en"
locales = ["en", "fr"]

There are 2 more optional values you can supply:

  • namespaces: This is to split your translations into multiple files, we will cover it in a later chapter
  • locales-dir: This is to have a custom path to the directory containing the locales files, it defaults to "./locales".

Once this configuration is done, you can start writing your translations.