
For interpolation, every variables (other than count for ranges) are expected to be of type impl IntoView + Clone + 'static.

But some values have different ways to be represented based on the locale:

  • Number
  • Date
  • Time
  • List

You can specify the kind of value you are going to supply like this:

  "key": "{{ var, formatter }}"

Some of the formatters can take arguments to better suits the format you need:

  "key": "{{ var, formatter(arg_name: value; arg_name2: value; ...) }}"

If an argument has a default value, not supplying that argument will make that arg take the default value.

Here is all the formatters:


  "number_formatter": "{{ num, number }}"

Will format the number based on the locale. This make the variable needed to be impl leptos_i18n::formatting::NumberFormatterInputFn, which is auto implemented for impl Fn() -> T + Clone + 'static where T: leptos_i18n::formatting::IntoFixedDecimal. IntoFixedDecimal is a trait to turn a value into a fixed_decimal::FixedDecimal which is a type used by icu to format numbers. That trait is currently implemented for:

  • FixedDecimal
  • usize
  • u8
  • u16
  • u32
  • u64
  • u128
  • isize
  • i8
  • i16
  • i32
  • i64
  • i128
  • f32 *
  • f64 *

* Is implemented for convenience, but uses FixedDecimal::try_from_f64 with the floating precision, you may want to use your own.

The formatter itself does'nt provide formatting options such as maximum significant digits, but those can be customize through FixedDecimal before being passed to the formatter.

Enable the "format_nums" feature to use the number formatter.


There are no arguments for this formatter at the moment.


fn main() {
use crate::i18n::*;

let i18n = use_i18n();

let num = move || 100_000;

t!(i18n, number_formatter, num);


  "date_formatter": "{{ date_var, date }}"

Will format the date based on the locale. This make the variable needed to be impl leptos_i18n::formatting::DateFormatterInputFn, which is auto implemented for impl Fn() -> T + Clone + 'static where T: leptos_i18n::formatting::IntoIcuDate. IntoIcuDate is a trait to turn a value into a impl icu::datetime::input::DateInput which is a trait used by icu to format dates. The IntoIcuDate trait is currently implemented for T: DateInput<Calendar = AnyCalendar>. You can use icu::datetime::{Date, DateTime}, or implement that trait for anything you want.

Enable the "format_datetime" feature to use the date formatter.


There is one argument at the moment for the date formatter: date_length, which is based on icu::datetime::options::length::Date, that can take 4 values:

  • full
  • long
  • medium (default)
  • short
  "short_date_formatter": "{{ date_var, date(date_length: short) }}"


fn main() {
use crate::i18n::*;
use leptos_i18n::reexports::icu::calendar::Date;

let i18n = use_i18n();

let date_var = move || Date::try_new_iso_date(1970, 1, 2).unwrap().to_any();

t!(i18n, date_formatter, date_var);


  "time_formatter": "{{ time_var, time }}"

Will format the time based on the locale. This make the variable needed to be impl leptos_i18n::formatting::TimeFormatterInputFn, which is auto implemented for impl Fn() -> T + Clone + 'static where T: leptos_i18n::formatting::IntoIcuTime. IntoIcuTime is a trait to turn a value into a impl icu::datetime::input::TimeInput which is a trait used by icu to format time. The IntoIcuTime trait is currently implemented for T: IsoTimeInput. You can use icu::datetime::{Time, DateTime}, or implement that trait for anything you want.

Enable the "format_datetime" feature to use the time formatter.


There is one argument at the moment for the time formatter: time_length, which is based on icu::datetime::options::length::Time, that can take 4 values:

  • full
  • long
  • medium
  • short (default)
  "full_time_formatter": "{{ time_var, time(time_length: full) }}"


fn main() {
use crate::i18n::*;
use leptos_i18n::reexports::icu::calendar::Date;

let i18n = use_i18n();

let time_var = move || Time::try_new(14, 34, 28, 0).unwrap();

t!(i18n, time_formatter, time_var);


  "datetime_formatter": "{{ datetime_var, datetime }}"

Will format the datetime based on the locale. This make the variable needed to be impl leptos_i18n::formatting::DateTimeFormatterInputFn, which is auto implemented for impl Fn() -> T + Clone + 'static where T: leptos_i18n::formatting::IntoIcuDateTime. IntoIcuDateTime is a trait to turn a value into a impl icu::datetime::input::DateTimeInput which is a trait used by icu to format datetimes. The IntoIcuDateTime trait is currently implemented for T: DateTimeInput<Calendar = AnyCalendar>. You can use icu::datetime::DateTime, or implement that trait for anything you want.

Enable the "format_datetime" feature to use the datetime formatter.


There is two arguments at the moment for the datetime formatter: date_length and time_length that behave exactly the same at the one above.

  "short_date_long_time_formatter": "{{ datetime_var, datetime(date_length: short; time_length: full) }}"


fn main() {
use crate::i18n::*;
use leptos_i18n::reexports::icu::calendar::DateTime;

let i18n = use_i18n();

let datetime_var = move || {
    let date = Date::try_new_iso_date(1970, 1, 2).unwrap().to_any();
    let time = Time::try_new(14, 34, 28, 0).unwrap();
    DateTime::new(date, time)

t!(i18n, datetime_formatter, datetime_var);


  "list_formatter": "{{ list_var, list }}"

Will format the list based on the locale. This make the variable needed to be impl leptos_i18n::formatting::ListFormatterInputFn, which is auto implemented for impl Fn() -> T + Clone + 'static where T: leptos_i18n::formatting::WriteableList. WriteableList is a trait to turn a value into a impl Iterator<Item = impl writeable::Writeable>.

Enable the "format_list" feature to use the list formatter.


There is two arguments at the moment for the list formatter: list_type and list_length.

list_type takes 3 possible values:

  • and
  • or
  • unit (Default)

list_length takes 3 possible values:

  • wide (default)
  • short
  • narrow

See Intl.ListFormat documentation. icu is used to do the formatting but I found the Mozilla doc to have more details.

  "short_and_list_formatter": "{{ list_var, list(list_type: and; list_length: short) }}"


fn main() {
use crate::i18n::*;

let i18n = use_i18n();

let list_var = move || ["A", "B", "C"];

t!(i18n, list_formatter, list_var);